fssai registration online

 Fssai Registration Online from Vyaapaar Salahkaar

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) banded together with CSC-SPV (Common Service Centre-Special Purpose Vehicle) in July 2016 to give Food Business Operators (FBO) enrollment benefit through CSCs. This CSC facility enables large number of unregistered Food Business Operators to get the registration certificate at ease. Under the administration, Registration Certificate was auto created subsequent to documenting of online application through CSC. Amid 2016-17, 95,603 applications for FBO Registration have been submitted through CSCs.
As the facility of CSC enabled the auto generation of registration certificate immediately after filing of application with the documents, Food business Operators provided their concerns when the certificates were generating with the mistakes entered in the applications. The FBOs started to address their issues to the Food Rgistration online from Vyaapaar Salahkaar. In order to consider those issues, FSSAI decided to discontinue the feature of auto generation of registration certification after filing of application through CSC-SPV. Now as per the process, after filing of the registration application and payment of fees through CSC, it will reflect in the bin of the registration authority for further scrutinization as per the provision of the FSS (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011. This will give the registration authority to order inspection within 7 days or otherwise issue the Registration Certificate.

If registration is not granted or denied or inspection is not ordered within 7 days, the Registration Certificate will be Auto-Generated on the 8th day of submission of application. In case inspection is ordered by the Registration authority within 7 days, Registration Certificate will be granted by the authority after being satisfied with the safety, hygiene and sanitary conditions of the premises within 30 days. However, if registration certificate is not granted, denied or no objection is communicated within 30 days, Registration Certificate will be generated on the 31st day.

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