Trademark is itself giving meaning that’s the mark of any trade or business where “ mark” has wide meaning which includes a device , brand , label, heading, name, signature, word, letter etc. A person does hard work and resources for many years to build the name of his business . Trademark is the most valuable property of any persons or entity so it’s essential to obtain trademark registration for the business name under the Trademarks Act.
Trademark is governed by the trademark act, 1999 and further administrated by controller general of patent, design & trademark, department of industrial policy & promotion, ministry of commerce & industry , government of India. This acts provide the registration and better protection of trade marks for goods and services and for the prevention of the use of fraudulent marks.

Vyaapaar Salahkaar is one the fastest leading company with best quality in less time and early approvals. It’s experts has vast experience doing in trademark assingments and updating you from application filing via any objection till the registration certificate. Companys’ experts has done 900+ trademarks assignments including departments objection and public objection.
Advantages of trademark registration
·         If the brand is registered under the trademark act , it gives legal protection of trade marks as part of corporates or name of business concern.
·         Registered trademark raises the confidence of customer in interacting with the business houses.
·         Customers can easily identify the product as it gives a identity to brand or any marks .
·         Registered marks can attract customers and also enable to retain the customers which ultimatly gives the business boom.
·         Registered trademark is property of business or person which is intangible in nature and can be assigned or give permission to use or can be sold so it is valuable property.
Requirements for trademark registration
·           Pancard of business or individual
·           Any one business address proof Certificate
·         Workmark and logo
·         Items to be included in application


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